Idaho Falls For 4th of July

Read Pt. 1 // Pt. 2 // Pt. 3

Before driving home after our trip to Grand Teton National Park, my friends and I decided to take a detour through Idaho Falls. It was the 4th of July and rumor has it that Idaho Fall's fireworks show is where it's at! So we wandered around the cute town and their festival, had some ice cream, and watched some of the bands play!

Later in the afternoon, my friends were talked into doing some cliff jumping into the river! I am a wimp and didn't participate, but enjoyed taking photos and watching from the sidelines. Afterwards, we sat on the grass of the Idaho Falls Temple while we snacked and waited for the sun to set. Then, we scouted an ideal spot for the firework show and experimented with some sparkler photos to pass the time (which I think turned out pretty well).

It was such a fun day and the perfect way to end our holiday road trip!