My First Time Snowshoeing

An activity that had always been on my bucket list, but for some reason I had never attempted, was snowshoeing! I’m not the biggest fan of snow, mainly because of how long it lasts, but snowshoeing felt like an activity that would help me get more enjoyment out of the Winter season.

I rented our snowshoes from a local outdoor gear rental (only $20 for both sets!), the night before, laid out my snow clothes, and made sure my camera batteries and memory cards were good to go. The next morning, we set out before sunrise, to beat the crowds and catch the morning light. The weather was perfect, giving us samplings of gentle snowfall, fog, and sunshine, all within the few hours we were out there. We didn’t do any major trails, but explored the mostly frozen lake and the woodland that surrounds it. We made friends with a lone duck, watched the ice fishers celebrate their catches, and enjoyed the silence that comes with snowy landscapes.

I honestly can’t believe I waited to long to give snowshoeing a try. It was such a refreshing and relaxing activity surrounded by so much beauty, I am looking forward to next time… Whenever that may be.

Check out Steve’s Instagram HERE

Check out my January vlog to see more from my first snowshoeing experience!