Stocking Up For Summer

This post is sponsored by Nestlé®, but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

Summer is pretty much here, and that means it’s time to stock up on all of the frozen goodies! With the temperatures high and the friend and family gatherings happening often, it’s just a good idea to keep that freezer stocked. I personally like to keep mine filled with Häagen-Dazs® Ice Cream, Outshine® Fruit Bars, and Nestlé® Drumstick®. This way, I have a variety of delicious snacks for the variety of people and preferences that are sure to show up.

There’s a time and a place for each of these snacks, as they all have their own “personalities”. Häagen-Dazs® Ice Cream is perfect for when I’m having a few of my girlfriends over for a fun girls night! We can add our favorite toppings, making each bowl as unique as we are. The Outshine® Fruit Bars are perfect for when I need a moment to myself. My personal favorite is the Dark Chocolate Creamy Coconut—it’s the perfect way to indulge with real ingredients! Finally, the Nestlé® Drumsticks® are perfect for any social gathering! Whether some friends show up, last minute, or I need to take a treat to share.

You can pick any or all of these up at your local Target, in the freezer section. It’s a great way to be Summer-ready! Which of these frozen treats would be your go-to?