Job Hunt

Moving to a new location means finding a new job. The process of job hunting is one of my least favorite things to go through. It's stressful and exhausting; plus there's always the worry that the perfect job won't present itself. I'm really hoping that it does and I could use all of the positive vibes and prayers that you can give!

Part of the job hunt includes presenting yourself in a professional yet stylish way.

This top

from SheIn is the perfect addition to my professional wardrobe. The window pane print is up to date and the short sleeves keep me cool for Summer. Paired with these peplum pants I feel confident to go out and snag the job of my dreams.

shirt- c/o


pants- c/o






watch- c/o

daniel wellington

bag- c/o



Do you have any tips for not only finding your dream job but being hired? If you're in the Salt Lake area, please let me know if you hear of any jobs I'd be a great fit for.